PRRCF Grant Application

Grant Applications will be received from March 1 to April 30. Successful applications will be contacted by May 30.

Grant Requirements

The PRRCF Board of Directors annually appoints a grant-making committee to consider community priorities and action around emerging and existing community needs and how best to meet them through the Foundation's granting program.

The PRRCF will only consider grant applications to fund the acquisition or repair of fixed or tangible assets and cannot consider requests to fund ongoing programs or general operating expenses.

Grant applications will be received each year from March 1 through until April 30.  Successful applications will be contacted by May 30. 

Also, please note that there will be a small holdback on successful grant applicants until the projects have been completed and all criteria upon grant acceptance have been met. Finally, we will not grant to projects that have already started or are otherwise already underway.

The grant-making fields of consideration are programs and initiatives focused on the following areas:

Apply for a PRRCF Grant

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